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Angelica K. Munyao

Human-computer interaction graduate student at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Interested in UX research with experience in conducting interviews, surveys, heuristic evaluations, usability testing and qualitative/quantitative analysis. Seeking opportunities to improve inquiry and result interpretation skills.
Asking the right questions is not easy, but it is worth striving towards in the pursuit of understanding.

Front-end developer with experience utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React, version control using Git, familiar with Python, PHP and unit testing. Seeking to improve problem-solving skills with consideration for accessibility, performance and security.

About the Website's Design

The inspiration for the design of this website comes from a resource frequently used in ideation, qualitative analysis and planning (to mention a few use-cases), particularly in the field of UX: the board.
Be it physical or virtual, hung up on a wall, placed on a table or actually just the wall or table, the value of this shared space that fosters collaborative idea generation is undeniable. As such, it felt fitting to present my experiences as tidbits of ideas.

The Logo

In working towards a personal brand, I had previously developed a quick logo based on my initials, which was then revamped following a discussion with classmates on logo design and the application of the golden ratio.
The first phase involved updating the colors scheme to ensure a good amount of contrast among selected colors, which would also serve as theme colors for the site. The final version was developed using the golden ratio, maintaining the general idea for layers and placement from the original.

The original logo with stylized A, K, K and M

This original logo comprises the four letters of my initials arranged in a manner that their respective shapes complement one another e.g. the horizontal line on a capital "A" coming from the other letters and the letter "M" fitting part of it into part of the "K".

A light green and blue were the foundation of the color scheme as they are my favorite colors.

The original logo was updated to better define the curves and lines for a smoother finish, and improve on the positioning of the letters.

The color scheme was refined for a better balance among colors, utilizing to conveniently generate and save the scheme.

The initial update to logo with stylized A, K, K and M
The final website logo with golden ratio guide

The final logo was designed utilizing square and circular guides whose dimensions were based on the golden ratio. Once a couple of these guides were created, the logo was put together letter-by-letter.
Different-sized guides were combined to inform the curvature and proportions of spirals and lines that a letter comprised. These are highlighted in white on the diagram. I fiddled around with placement and implied shapes (an "M" appears to be missing but is actually within the lower half of the "K") until the logo felt just right.

These logos were designed using Inkscape.

The Elements

Earth, wind, fire and air: as there are smaller units that comprise our physical reality, so are there key design elements to this website. Based upon items commonly used on boards, these were identified as the following: pins, tape, polaroids, sticky notes and sticky flags.

Polaroid picture

Coursework Projects

The following is a sample of projects completed as part of coursework in web development and interaction design. More projects and details to come.